Immunology questions
Deciphering the latest immunology research and what it means for our health and wellbeing
Hi, I am an immunologist and science communicator based at the University of Manchester in the UK. As well as conducting immunology research I also teach the fundamental principles of immunology to 100s of students every year. I regularly do podcasts, articles in eg The Conversation and the Guardian as well as science talks and activities. In addition, I have been regularly posting on X and now bluesky and Mastodon on the latest research in my field and what this means for our health and wellbeing. I have found it increasingly tricky to navigate the social media channels to create accessible threads and want to provide similar content here that I will link to via my social media channels. This will allow me to to be clearer, more precise (less typos too!) and better provide clear links and signposts to my sources as well as related information.
I do hope this will be of interest to people? My experience with talking to people about immunology is immunology can be perceived as hard and inaccessible. I really want to break that dogma. As such, I am keen to hear from anyone with questions on the latest in immunology, infections and our health and I really hope that if I provide semi-regular posts then people will feel they can better access the latest happenings in my field and think about what this means for themselves and their loved ones.
I am quite busy in my day job so posts will be erratic but I should post several times every month and I plan to keep this free so anyone can access the content. I will also seek feedback and try to tackle people’s questions to try and make this feel like a community of the curious.